Basque Biobank

Osakidetza Eusko Jaurlaritza

How to collaborate with the Biobank

We invite you to collaborate with the Neurological Tissue Donation Program by making a financial contribution. Any donation you make, however small, will help the Basque Biobank for Research to become a key tool for progress in neurodegenerative diseases research.

Your donation will be passed to the Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research (BIOEF), which is sponsored by the Basque government's Department of Health and is responsible for running the Basque Biobank  and the Neurological Tissue Donation Program.

If desired, we will keep you regularly informed about the activity of the Program.

On behalf of the patients and research teams, thank you.


Would you like to sponsor us? Contact us

Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research (BIOEF)

Torre del BEC
Ronda de Azkue, 1 - 48902 Barakaldo. Bizkaia - Spain
Phone: +34 (94) 453 6144 / +34 (94) 453 6890


Tax Information

The National Budget Law for 2006 includes a set of guidelines aimed at supporting scientific research and technological development in its additional provisions. Specifically, article 3.5 of the Consolidated Text of the Company Tax Law (TRLIS), as approved by Royal Legislative Decree 4/2004, of 5 March (BOE of 11 March), contemplates a deduction for research and development activities.

Different ways of carrying out your intention to donate:

here are several different ways in which you can carry out your intention to donate funds to the Neurological Tissue Donation Program

 Anonymous Donation:

The donor pays money into the Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research's account at the BBK

 Donation with Donation Certificate (for individuals):

 Donation agreement (for companies):

We kindly ask you to contact us by telephone: +34 944 536 144 o +34 944 536 890.

 Collaboration agreement for the financing of the Neurological Tissue Doantion Program (for companies):

 Collaboration agreements with private companies are considered to be a deductible expense against corporate tax.

The News of the Biobank Collections

The Basque Biobank in the media